
Look at this photo, there’s so much going on. When I’m shooting for a school prospectus I spend quite a bit of time taking photos at playtime - it’s a time for children to let off steam and play games, often made up by the kids themselves. This image is of one such game, created because of the new playground markings that had been recently put down. The person in the middle spins round as the kids around the edge sing, it comes to a stop, whoever is being pointed at is chased around the circle and then is the next person in the middle, or something like that!

I love the energy, the excitement and anticipation and the obvious fun that everyone is having. Also the two boys in the background, looking like they’re discussing the merits of the game, or maybe how they’re going to sabotage it. It all makes for a wonderful image of children free and at play. It’s why I very rarely stage photos, there’s no need! Every break will usually yield something spontaneous like this. As well as the studious-hardworking-children shots a school prospectus needs to show the more relaxed aspects of school. Images of children at play strike that balance perfectly.

If you need photography for your school, for a prospectus, or to update your website then get in touch and I’ll happy to set up a shoot for you.


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While You Were Away