Feast Your Eyes
Headshots of the team at FEAST With Us
FEAST With Us is an organisation that works with people suffering from food poverty to provide nutrition education and skills and access to regular nutritious meals, using surplus food that would otherwise be thrown away.
I’ve been working with them to provide photography when they have events and we have just completed these headshots for the team, with more to be done as the team grows.
As it’s a food charity we thought it would be fun to feature each person with their favourite food item and, as a result, we had a great time juggling, throwing and catching, and cascading various fruits and vegetables. The end result was a cheerful set of portraits that perfectly convey the spirit of the people who volunteer for the charity - with Hannah, the founder of FEAST With Us holding all the food, which was a fitting final image!
You can view these portraits and see more about what FEAST With US does at https://www.feastwithus.org.uk/
If you’re looking to get a set of headshots for your team, please get in touch to discuss and we can work together to create a unique set of images that best represent your organisation’s identity.