Therapeutic Communities

This autumn I was asked to visit three residential locations, run by Phoenix Futures, to document some of the activities and general day-to-day community life of the residents. The challenge with this kind of photography is that the residents are in recovery from substance and alcohol addictions and my approach to the images needed to be sensitive and discreet, because, whilst I had consent from the residents to photograph them, their wider families may not know they are there, or, in time, residents may not want their photos associated with Phoenix Futures once they have recovered and re-entered the outside world.

To this end, I endeavoured to shoot a mixture of candid and more revealing shots of the residents as they got on with their various activities and day-to-day house-running responsibilities, thus making sure that there is still suitable imagery should a resident withdraw consent.

The following images are a selection from the three locations, I have chosen to show the more anonymous shots.

Exercise is encouraged as part of the recovery process for the residents. The grounds at the Wirral service had gardens and vegetable plots, as well as walks outside the property. This enabled residents to spend time out with other members of the household, all part of the structured recovery. Distance, b

lurs and edge lighting maintained anonymity, whilst still showing the sense of community.

Wirral Residential Service

Art therapy can be a crucial aid to recovery - t

ime spent contemplating and creating can be so valuable.

Here, I have taken images that are focussed deliberately on the nature subject in front, with the person in the background engaged in drawing and private, and anonymous shots of work in progress.

Sheffield Residential Service

“Recovery through Nature” (RTN) group sessions with outside therapy providers, encourage residents to engage with nature and gain new skills and understanding for potential work once recovered. Keeping my distance can give a good impression of the environment and candid shots of people undertaking the activities show a range of RTN programmes.

Sheffield , Wirral and Glasgow Residential Services

The very real elements of rehabilitation - group support and reward for progress. Here, awards are presented for making it through certain stages of recovery, favourite songs are played, creating a lively and celebratory atmosphere. Everyone is here, standing up to say well done and I’m here for you. Additionally, group workshops, one-to-one sessions take place during the programme.

Glasgow and Sheffield Residential Services.

Places of calm, environments in which to recover. The residencies that I visited are impressive and beautiful, properties and grounds that, sometimes, have been gifted to Phoenix Futures. They are staffed on-site and the running of the household is the responsibility of the residents - from kitchen duty to keeping the place clean and tidy. With space to be able to spend time alone, as well as be an integral member of the community, residents have a great opportunity to rehabilitate.

Sheffield and Wirral Residential Services.

Contact Julia

If you have a charitable project that requires documentary photography then please get in touch.



