This autumn I was asked to visit three residential locations, run by Phoenix Futures, to document some of the activities and general day-to-day community life of the residents. The challenge with this kind of photography is that the residents are in recovery from substance and alcohol addictions and my approach to the images needed to be sensitive and discreet, because, whilst I had consent from the residents to photograph them, their wider families may not know they are there, or, in time, residents may not want their photos associated with Phoenix Futures once they have recovered and re-entered the outside world.
To this end, I endeavoured to shoot a mixture of candid and more revealing shots of the residents as they got on with their various activities and day-to-day house-running responsibilities, thus making sure that there is still suitable imagery should a resident withdraw consent.
The following images are a selection from the three locations, I have chosen to show the more anonymous shots.
Contact Julia
If you have a charitable project that requires documentary photography then please get in touch.